HovercarA hovercar is a fictional transport vehicle appearing in works of science fiction. It is used for personal transportation in the same way a modern automobile is employed. It is incapable of flying but does elevate itself some distance from the ground through some unspecified repulsion technology, presumably exploiting some short range anti-gravity principle. The capability of hovering above the ground eliminates the need for tires and avoiding, for example, rocks that might make the car unstable and flip over. Unlike an air cushion vehicle this does not produce a dust cloud. The closest real-world device is the hovercraft, which elevates itself
above a water or level hard surface using a cushion of air retained
by a flexible skirt. Such devices are not considered to be hovercars,
however that term is used only for the fictional device. Examples
of hovercars can be found in many science fiction movies such as Star
Wars and Star Trek, and some futuristic videogames, most notably the
F-Zero series. Examples from science fictionAn aircraft that can replace the automobile is still an object of fantasy and speculation. Such a flying car would have to be very easy to fly safely and be able to operate from driveways and parking lots with little or no special preparation. The flying car persists as a common science fiction theme.
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